10. Utagawa Kuniyoshi(1797-1861) 怪物骷髅时期,约1844年 高清作品[86%]

The <em>Monster</em> SkeletonEdo period , circa 1844

图片文件尺寸 : 4301 x 5996px

Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861):The Monster Skeleton
Edo period (1615-1868), circa 1844
An oban tate-e print triptych entitled Soma no furudairi ni Masakado himegimi Takiyasha yojutsu o motte mikata o atsumuru, Oya no Taro Mitsukuni yokai o tamesan to koko ni kitari tsui ni kore o horobosu (In the Ruined Palace of [Taira] Masakado at Soma His Daughter Princess Takiyasha Uses Sorcery to Summon Allies, Oya no Taro Mitsukuni Comes to Put the Monster to the Test and Finally Destroys It), with red cartouches identifying (right to left) Takiyasha\'s faithful servant Araimaru, Oya no Taro Mitsukuni, and Princess Takiyasha; each sheet signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga (the right-hand sheet with paulownia-leaf seal); publisher\'s marks Hachi; censor\'s seals Watari (3)
14 3/4 x 10 1/8in (37.4 x 25.7cm) each approximately

Utagawa Kuniyoshi(1797-1861) 怪物骷髅时期,约1844年

下载Utagawa Kuniyoshi(1797-1861) 怪物骷髅时期,约1844年大图

12. 爱德华·科利·伯恩·琼斯爵士《国王和其他哀悼者将普赛克遗弃于怪物》 高清作品[85%]

The King and other Mourners abandon Psyche to the <em>Monster</em>-

图片文件尺寸 : 4397 x 1573px

爱德华·科利·伯恩·琼斯爵士《国王和其他哀悼者将普赛克遗弃于怪物》-Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones

The King and other Mourners abandon Psyche to the Monster--Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones (英国, 1833 – 1898)
